Saturday, February 4, 2012

CPK Grilled Vegetable Salad my way

 Another attempt at a PALEO MEAL while spending time with the girls. I was inspired by a grilled vegetable salad that I had a couple weeks ago with two ladies that I CROSSFIT with and now call my friends :) The dressing is a recipe that I have been using for years and every time I serve it to friends and family they want the recipe. Like some who cant live with out having their covetted ranch dressing in there fridges, we have a hard time living with out this dressing for many things. Although not every part of this meal went over with the girls we had enough variety in vegetables that they could build there own salads with the veggies they would eat...that is unless they don't eat veggies at that case your on your own to figure that one out :)I did serve this with a bit of sweet potato fries too.

Italian Balsamic Vinaigrette

2 cloves of garlic
1/3 c balsamic vinegar
2bsp lemon juice
1½ tbsp Dijon mustard
1 ½ tbsp parsley and chives
1 cup olive oil
½ tsp salt and pepper


¼ c diced Sun dried tomatoes
2 cooked Artichoke hearts or canned (I have never bought canned, so pay attention to whats really in them)
1 bundle Asparagus
1 cob of corn (no corn for strict paleo)
1-2 Avocados halved and pit removed
1 Eggplant halved
2 yellow Squash halved
2 zucchini halved
½ cup mushrooms cremini or baby portabella
Cherry tomatoes
1/2 tsp cummin 
1/4 tsp cayenne if wanting a little heat

Coat the vegetables in the 1/4 cup of oil and season lightly with salt, pepper, cummin and cayenne. Let marinate in with sprig of basil and or thyme for at least a 1/2 hour. Grill the vegetables, baste with more oil as needed, over medium-high heat until tender, but not mushy. Remove from the grill and cut vegetable's into bite size or slightly bigger pieces. With a sharp knife, gently run the blade down the corn to remove the kernels from the cob. Gently toss the vegetables with Balsamic dressing. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve warm on a mix of greens.


Flank steak
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

Tenderize meat drizzle a little olive oil and salt and pepper. I know it may seem too simple as far as seasoning but if you have chosen good quality meat you would be surprised how little seasoning is needed. This also is a major point if you will be slicing up your meat to add to the salad as we did. The flavors of the salad are enough to carry your proteins flavors even further. Grill flank until desired doneness; be careful with this cut it cooks quickly. Cook chicken all the way through, should be firm to touch with juices running clear. Do not over cook this as well…Let your meats rest 10-15 minutes before cutting. Top your greens and grilled veggies with meat of your choice.

Feel free to add whatever suits your mood. Fresh goat cheese would be amazing if your not going for Paleo.

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