Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Agave...Another food disappointment

I am getting pretty sick of  the lies the food industry is allowed to get away with! Everyday you see a new atricle on whats really in our food.

Here is my latest findings...Although I am not eating agave now because of Paleo, I have had my fare share of it and use it for many things I make for the kids. And then I ran into this article yesterday...

It states:
"Agave nectar is bad for you. It’s not traditional, not natural, highly refined, and contains more concentrated fructose than high fructose corn syrup."

Some days it feels like the only way to go is to buy your own damn farm, cows, chickens, a garden the whole 9 yards. That way you would at least know what the hell is in your food and what your putting into your families bodies!

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