Sunday, January 15, 2012




Here is my first post in my Paleo journey. Let me bring some of you up to speed on what I am talking about and the obvious question, "What the hell is Paleo?"

In CrossFit they suggest between to styles of eating;


  • 40% carbs
  • 30% protein
  • 30% fat

Using a block measuring system, you eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar.


Is supposed to be mimicking how our ancestors ate...
*disclaimer: I am not so sure I believe this is exactly how our ancestors ate but I am going with it for now :)

  • Lean proteins (ideally) grass fed meat, free range fowl and wild caught fish
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil

The definition of Paleo seems to be varied a bit on all sources I have searched but this is the basics that I got from Robb Wolf Some CrossFitters practice one or the other and some combined the two.




I needed something to jump start me back from months of less than food choices. I also had some fellow Crossfitter friends who were looking to try something different for their own reasons. So together we thought we would give a try for a month.

This way of eating is not to far of a stretch for me when I am eating well other than the no dairy (I love my cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and other various cheeses :)) but after months of slowly letting bad food back into my diet it feels like starting over again. The feeling I have that is best described for me is like quitting smoking. You quit then you have one here and there and before you know it your right back to 10 a day only to have to go over the whole process again...Why do we do this to ourselves? Ummmmm, oh ya we are human :)
I think it should be a fun challenge and who knows maybe I will feel better without the dairy in my life...haha a whole life without goat cheese...I think not :)

I will be posting some recipes here and my thoughts, rants, jibber jabber about it all, along with the regular MESSFire posts.













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