Friday, January 27, 2012

Cravings and Eggs

Finally I feel like I am getting a little more of a handle on my sugar cravings. Yesterday and today don't seem to be bad, so hopefully I am at the end of that part of this Paleo challenge. I did however figure out something I have been missing yesterday as I was preparing some burritos to freeze for my sons lunches. The majority of the burritos contain whole wheat tortillas, shredded chicken, peppers, onions a yogurt sauce and a little cheese. I ventured out of that yesterday and added refried beans...yup I am sure you can see where I am gong with this...I had to taste them, check the seasoning, see if it needed more salsa added to it etc..etc...OH MY! They were delicious! I felt like I had been deprived of them for years, I did stick to just one taste but I truly could have jumped in the pot and ate my way back out of it. They tasted to good!

For now here I am still working out the details of this new eating life style and tackling one craving at a time...hopefully my little bout with beans yesterday doesn't turn into the new craving I cant get out of my head.

One thing I cant  get enough of are my mini egg frittatas. There are lots of recipes on other Paleo websites for these little disks of deliciousness some are more complicated than others. Mix up different versions of meat, veggies and seasoning to find the perfect one for you.

These have so much flavor. They make for a great snack or as a meal, (also pictured the breakfast my kids often have, directions to follow)...Salute!

Mini Egg Frittatas
 (pictured on the right, sorry for the bad photography )
  • 1/2 medium onion, finely diced
  • 1/2 lb chopped spinach, or your choice of veggie
  • 8 eggs
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 5 ounces of prosciutto, ham or bacon
  • red pepper flakes
  • Kosher salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
Preheat the oven to 375 
chop all veggies
mix all ingredients together and pour into a greased  regular 12 cup muffin tin (I use the 1/4 measuring cup that I used for the coconut milk to help with portion)
Cook for 20 minutes (some recipes say to turn half way through but I didn't.
I like to top mine guessed it Srirracha or salsa

 Egg Muffins

The picture features something I do for the kids for a quick breakfast. I crack regular eggs sprinkled with salt and pepper in a sprayed muffin tin and cook at 350 for 15 minutes.
In the morning they pull them out of the fridege top them with ham and cheese and heat them in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. Put them on a whole wheat English muffin (be careful when buying many English muffins contain a lot of junk, we use Ezekiel brand, you can find them in the organic freezer section)
WHALA! you have a egg muffin (beats the hell out of McDonald's any day!)

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