Sunday, November 6, 2011

Simple Eggs

Cooking eggs in the morning doesn't take much more time than toasting your morning pop tart or pouring you a bowl of cereal. Not too mention that those choices don't consist of some much needed protein, and vegetables that so many people are missing in there diets. Here is an idea for breakfast that is delicious and will keep you feeling full. It can be varied in so many ways by simply swaping out different herbs, cheeses and vegetables...4 egg whites, a pinch of sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. Beat the eggs right before you put them in the pan, this will make them fluffy. Pour them into a non stick pan over medium heat. Add a small handful of sliced grape or cherry tomatoes. Gently pull eggs from the outside of pan to the center, and continue to do so until eggs are fully cooked. Lay on a bed of greens, top with feta and basil. Drizzle a little olive oil and squeeze of lemon. I had some leftover crispy onions and some homemade salsa that I topped my eggs with, but it is just as good without them.

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