Monday, September 26, 2011

What does your food journey look like?

My food journey has been this…

Growing Up-
Food was a non- issue growing up, we more or less just ate to eat. We didn’t seem to have any sort of a relationship with food other than we ate when we were hungry. We didn’t eat real healthy meals but we didn’t eat terribly unhealthy either.  I do remember loving to go to friends houses because there moms bought foods like frozen burritos, mac & cheese, sugary cereals and many other processed goodies that we did not get very often growing up.

Adult Life-
In my 20’s I still continued to eat like I did growing up. I didn’t know much about cooking and so I made a lot of the basics tacos, spaghetti with sauce from a jar, a lot of dishes containing cream of something, cream of chicken, cream of mushroom (yuck) I would bake occasionally cakes, cookies. Again my relationship with food was more or less I ate when I was hungry and never gave much thought to what I was eating.

In my late 20’s is when things began to change. We had moved to Colorado and it opened up a whole new world of food for me which included cookbooks, Food network, cooking classes, no meals containing cream of anything, cooking that actually took more  skill than using a can opener, lots of cooking going on in my kitchen along with entertaining friends and lots of adult beverages I never knew existed (crazy things can happen when you take a girl out of Utah J)

I loved this time of exploration of food, I learned so much about food and cooking and I enjoyed every minute of it. This was also a very hard time in my life I had never moved before, my husband was gone a lot,  I was trying to find a place for myself in my new world. I began to suffer with situational depression, and along with that came emotional eating. I was a smoker at the time and my first step to trying to feel better was to quit smoking which if you have ever smoked before and tried to quit you know that this to can also lead to some temporary depression (a feeling like you have lost your best friend) This only helped compound my new destructive relationship with food.  Together with my new found love of cooking, my replacement for the cigarettes with food, and the depression I slowly ate myself to 20 pounds heavier.
I noticed the weight creeping on me and could not figure out how. For hells sake how could I be gaining weight? Not only did I work out everyday I worked in a damn gym! My family and I ate well, I have good genetics, I am way too short (5'2) to gain even 5 extra pounds, what was I doing wrong? At that point I just gave in to my new shorter, chubbier self and figured once I could get out of the depression it would all melt back off.
A few years later we moved back to Utah I became a little more myself mentally but my body…HA! Not so much. I then had to make a choice to learn now not only how to cook but to cook healthy and learn how the food I was eating was affecting my body.  I learned that my family and I definitely ate good but I mean good as in heavily creamed pastas, cheesecakes, breads and burgers. Come to find out just because you make it from scratch doesn't mean it's healthy. I also did not need to be replacing every cigarette I use to smoke with an Oreo... I was just swapping one evil for another.

Now here I am well in to my 30’s and I have reached a new food journey, which is learning to use food for health, and performance.  Digging deeper into what foods are really made of and how I can use there nutrients to my advantage. I am discovering new ways to cook and bake.  I love being in the kitchen as I always have only now I am in the kitchen to fuel my body not feed my depression.
I will always continue to explore all types of food and cooking healthy and on occasion not so healthy ;)
I feel lucky to have had such a food journey as it has taught me so much about the effects of food in our lives…Mentally, Emotionally, and sometimes even Spiritually.

What does your food journey look like?

Do you eat the way your family ate growing up or have you changed your eating habits?

Do you eat to live or do you live to eat?
Do you eat for pleasure, comfort?
Do you turn to food when you are sad, depressed, hurt, lonely?
To socialize?
As a reward?
Do you eat because you’re bored?

I encourage you to take some time write it down and you may get some perspective on where your bad or good eating habits stem from. It may help you to understand why you make the choices you do and how you could maybe tweak them to feel better, loose weight or improve the performance in your workouts.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Do not let the sheer weight of what is before you and your fear of failure in effect cause you to fail.

I have come to realize for sometime now that my fear of failure is what holds me back more than anything else. I have missed many opportunities to be and do exactly what I want to do because of FEAR. Now at the time of doing this I did not realize I was sabotaging myself. I would find ways to justify my actions or lack there of with other reasons...not perusing my career because I need to focus on kids or because I don't have the schooling to back me up, or no one will think I know what i am talking about so I will just keep quiet, I don't have the money etc... excuses, excuses, excuses!

It is very frustrating to look back and think of all the time I have wasted do to FEAR. I have always considered myself a pretty confident girl in most areas of my life. As time goes by if I continue to let my FEAR get the best of me that FEAR will ruin that confidence that I often pride myself on.

This blog has been a great example of my FEAR. It took me quite sometime to actually get it going, then once I did I have only invited a few of my close friends and family, I often hold out on posts because I am afraid of them being judged, I created a Facebook page for the blog but again only invited a few to view it. All because of FEAR! To me in some comparison it feels like I am putting a picture of myself naked for the world to see.

I am certain that most of us have FEAR'S. What are yours? Do they hold you back? What would you do differently if they did not exist?

I follow a writer by the name of Susan Piver I love her books and her blog. She wrote a book called, How not to be afraid of your own life which is a great read. I receive Susan's blog post on meditation and I loved this one that goes along with FEAR...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Salmon Burgers

These are so good it was kind of a combination of a few recipes I had seen and I just made it my own. It is very important to use the freshest ingredients possible always it makes a big difference. Pay attention when you buy your fish, where it comes from and whether is is farm raised or wild...obviously wild is best. The sweet potato fries are a staple at our house we eat them a couple times a week either in fry form or with eggs for breakfast. I am still trying to perfect the crispness of them using a few different ways of prepping and cooking. I will post at a later time when I have gotten it right and what way worked best. The "aioli" is not really a aioli at all :)...Aioli is typically made with an egg and olive oil base, it is more or less a mayonnaise. The yogurt obviously makes it a little healthier and I think taste better.


Lime “Aioli

1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
3 tablespoons Greek yogurt (Vosko’s)
2 tablespoons finely chopped cucumber
1/8 teaspoon finely grated lime rind
1 clove of garlic minced 
1/3 cup chopped green onions
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon chili sauce (Sriracha)
2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
3 tablespoons soy sauce (Tamari)
1 tablespoon of black sesame seeds
1 clove of garlic minced 
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 (1 1/4-pound) salmon fillet, skinned and cut into 1-inch pieces
Cooking spray

1. To prepare “aioli”, combine ingredients in a food processor or blender; process until smooth. Transfer to a bowl; cover and chill.
2. To prepare burgers, place onions, 1/4 cup cilantro, sirracha, and juice in a food processor; process until finely chopped. Add salt and salmon; pulse 4 times or until salmon is coarsely ground and mixture is well blended. Do not over mix the salmon or it will become like paste and make for a very tough dense burger.
3. Divide salmon mixture into 4 equal portions; shape each portion into a (1-inch-thick) patty. Cover and chill 30 minutes.
4. Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add patties to pan; cook 6 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness
Serve with:
Whole wheat buns, sandwich thins, English muffins or  bun less
Top with Mixed greens, pico (I make my own with cucumbers or you can use store bought), cilantro, more sirracha if you like it spicy and the lime “aioli”

Serve with sweet potato fries, recipe as follows…


Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
Freshly ground pepper
2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled, and cut into 1/2-inch slices, then again into 1/2-inch sticks
Olive oil
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
In a small bowl, toss together 1 rounded teaspoon of salt, cumin and some freshly ground black pepper to taste.
Add the sweet potatoes to a large bowl, drizzle with enough olive oil to coat, and sprinkle with the spice rub. Toss well to coat evenly.
Pour the sweet potatoes out onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet or a baking rack, making sure all the pieces are evenly spaced. Bake 30 to 35 minutes, flipping halfway through. Remove the potatoes from the baking sheet and serve immediately.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 helpful ways to weight loss

This was a post on my Facebook today and I thought it went well with my last post (Baby Steps) It was titled "10 Commandments of weight loss" which I think sucks! The definition of command is; the act or power of commanding; a command or mandate. I don't have any power nor am I  "mandating" that my way is the only way.
My goal with this blog is that you will visit it and be inspired and motivated. I don't want it to ever feel like I am demanding you do things my way, or the ways of any other information that I may link to the page.
These are some great simple tips to help if you are trying to make some changes to a healthier life...

   10 helpful ways to weight loss

  1. Life style not a diet
This is not a short term fix; it’s a way of life

  1. Get Organized
Structure life and you will structure your eating

  1. Eat small
Portion control is crucial for losing weight

  1. Learn to leave food on your plate
 This helps take control of compulsive eating

  1. Never feel deprived
This only encourages binging

  1. Make a meal out of it
Make a ceremony out of every meal so that you really appreciate what you’ve eating

  1. Eat slowly
                           That way you will feel satisfied before you’ve eaten too much

  1. Enjoy your food
It is one of life greatest pleasures, not a punishment

  1. Move it!
Exercising is a key essential of losing weight

  1. Get enough sleep
Structure you’re sleeping patterns will regulate your metabolism