Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 helpful ways to weight loss

This was a post on my Facebook today and I thought it went well with my last post (Baby Steps) It was titled "10 Commandments of weight loss" which I think sucks! The definition of command is; the act or power of commanding; a command or mandate. I don't have any power nor am I  "mandating" that my way is the only way.
My goal with this blog is that you will visit it and be inspired and motivated. I don't want it to ever feel like I am demanding you do things my way, or the ways of any other information that I may link to the page.
These are some great simple tips to help if you are trying to make some changes to a healthier life...

   10 helpful ways to weight loss

  1. Life style not a diet
This is not a short term fix; it’s a way of life

  1. Get Organized
Structure life and you will structure your eating

  1. Eat small
Portion control is crucial for losing weight

  1. Learn to leave food on your plate
 This helps take control of compulsive eating

  1. Never feel deprived
This only encourages binging

  1. Make a meal out of it
Make a ceremony out of every meal so that you really appreciate what you’ve eating

  1. Eat slowly
                           That way you will feel satisfied before you’ve eaten too much

  1. Enjoy your food
It is one of life greatest pleasures, not a punishment

  1. Move it!
Exercising is a key essential of losing weight

  1. Get enough sleep
Structure you’re sleeping patterns will regulate your metabolism

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