Friday, September 16, 2011


Do not let the sheer weight of what is before you and your fear of failure in effect cause you to fail.

I have come to realize for sometime now that my fear of failure is what holds me back more than anything else. I have missed many opportunities to be and do exactly what I want to do because of FEAR. Now at the time of doing this I did not realize I was sabotaging myself. I would find ways to justify my actions or lack there of with other reasons...not perusing my career because I need to focus on kids or because I don't have the schooling to back me up, or no one will think I know what i am talking about so I will just keep quiet, I don't have the money etc... excuses, excuses, excuses!

It is very frustrating to look back and think of all the time I have wasted do to FEAR. I have always considered myself a pretty confident girl in most areas of my life. As time goes by if I continue to let my FEAR get the best of me that FEAR will ruin that confidence that I often pride myself on.

This blog has been a great example of my FEAR. It took me quite sometime to actually get it going, then once I did I have only invited a few of my close friends and family, I often hold out on posts because I am afraid of them being judged, I created a Facebook page for the blog but again only invited a few to view it. All because of FEAR! To me in some comparison it feels like I am putting a picture of myself naked for the world to see.

I am certain that most of us have FEAR'S. What are yours? Do they hold you back? What would you do differently if they did not exist?

I follow a writer by the name of Susan Piver I love her books and her blog. She wrote a book called, How not to be afraid of your own life which is a great read. I receive Susan's blog post on meditation and I loved this one that goes along with FEAR...

1 comment:

  1. Brenda-- found your blog through Facebook and hope you don't mind if I follow. I was totally inspired by what you wrote and appreciate your willingness to "put it out there." I have always looked-up to/respected you and think the world of you. I can so relate and am on my own journey for better mental/spiritual/emotional wellness. Thanks for taking the time to inspire others.
