Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Johnny Turn's Green

Yesterday Johnny asked if we could workout together, he was hoping I could help him to incorporate some more cardiovascular workouts to his normal lifting routine, he feels he has developed a "belly" while we have been apart. This doesn't surprise me since he doesn't have me to cook for him :) Although I dont believe his "belly" is an issue and knowing whatever we did he would cry the whole time because he always does when we workout together I agreed anyway...OK maybe I even agreed for my own entertainment of watching him hurt, I mean come on what girl doesn't get a small amount of joy knowing that she can kick a boys ass in a workout :)

Knowing Johnny does not want to spend 45 minutes on a elliptical machine and the furthest I have got him into running is a new pair of running shoes that he lifts weights in. I thought a Crossfit (www.crossfit.com) workout would be perfect for him. It's generally pretty fast, your heart rate is working to the max and you are building muscle all at the same time...It is in my opinion the best & most sufficient way to get the most out of your workout.

The workout was as follows...
Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

I altered this a bit for Johnny because as much as I do like watching him hurt a little, I do still love him :) So we did regular jump roping instead of the double-unders and we did not have 20 pound balls or a wall to throw it at so we threw 12 pound weighted balls up in the air with just one squat not the 2-fer-1's. (you tube is a great tool for "how to"s on performing any of these moves)

I didn't time our workout because I got caught up in Johnny leaving the workout to blow his nose, then stopping every 10 reps, then turning a odd shade of green. I did push him a couple of times and he did shut me up a couple of times :) I was proud of him though, he did finish and managed to hold it together enough not to puke. By time I leave in 2 weeks he should be on his way to elite and hopefully wont have too many more episodes of turning shades of green.

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