Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ode to National Running Day

I am sure you have heard many of reasons why people run. I am sure a lot of you could think of reasons why NOT to run. I began running when I quit smoking...so I have been a beginner runner more times than I can count. It took a lot of time for me to fall in love with running. I can think of a hundred times where I was not in love with running, days where I dread going, days where it seems so hard, days that I don't do it and then feel like shit for the rest of the day because I didn't. Then there are days like today...

I woke up this morning feeling pretty sorry for myself, lying on the couch thinking about how I live with my parents, not wanting to go to my new job, worried about money, no energy to make my morning oatmeal. This didnt last too long because having two kids doesn't allow you to feel sorry for yourself for too long (thank god) so after my morning duties it was time for my run. The sun was shining so that helped lift my spirits some (we have'nt had sun in what seems like a year) As I took off down the road I got a burst of energy and decided this needs to be a long run, because, one I've gotta work off all the crap I ate over the weekend and two I gotta do something to help clear my head.

About a mile into my run I thought to myself, what is my problem? This is MY LIFE! I have wasted so much of my life looking for others to fulfill something in me, to decide for me where my life was going to go. It's time for me to quit feeling sorry for myself, If I want something different, I need to do something different. DUH!

It's not like this concept is new to me, I have heard it on TV, I have read it in books and magazines...but for some reason this morning on my run it just hit me! I have had a few "AHA" moments on my runs and that's my #1 reason to run...it clears my head and gives me perspective, it may not happen every time but I am willing to run as many times as it takes to have that one run that gives me perspective on my MESSY life.

So if your out and about and you see me looking crazy running down the road with a smile on my face and skip in my step don't be alarmed I have not lost it, it's just me running while getting a little perspective :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

How Willing are you?

How willing are you to do what it takes to reach your goals?

Your willingness
Your biggest limitation is your reluctance to move forward. Get over that, and you can get over anything.

Time, money, knowledge, and resources are minor considerations when compared to one vital factor. That factor is your willingness to get it done.

By all means do the research, raise the money, make the plans, and gather the materials. Then manifest your willingness by taking the action.

How do you reach the highest level of willingness, the level at which you step boldly forward? You make sure you’re doing what really, truly matters to you.

Go ahead and admit there are some things that mean all the world to you. Your purpose is unique and beautiful, and there is no limit to the achievement it can inspire.

If you feel hesitation, there’s something about what you’re doing that’s not in complete agreement with your purpose. Get honest, get authentic, and you’ll find yourself getting it done.

Read more: http://greatday.com/motivate/#ixzz1MtVnPBP1

Sunday, May 15, 2011

About Me

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MESSFire (mental, emotional, spiritual, spitfire)

Why MESSFire?

1. This name helped me harmonize those parts of us that are effected by thoughtful eating and exercise…our Mental, Emotional and Spiritual states are affected tremendously by how we treat our bodies not just our physical outside appearance.

2. The rest helps to describe me, I am often MESSY at life and I am definitely a SPITFIRE (my definition: a highly excitable, passionate spunky girl that sometimes has a fiery temper :))

This is not a blog of me knowing it all, I have no fancy degree, I have no certifications, I am not a bodybuilder, and I did not graduate from the school of Le Cordon Bleu...This is a blog of my passion for everything fitness and nutrition/cooking. These are my perceptions of everything I have experienced, read or learned from others...they are not set in stone, they are not "gods word" so you can take um or leave um!

I am inspired to write this blog for my own journaling and because I spend much of my time learning everything I can about exercise and food. With all of the information out there you can imagine a lot goes into my brain and not all of it sticks…my hope is that typing it out will help :) I am often asked by my friends and family for advice on working out, or for recipes (what can I say, they are risk takers) and I thought this could be a great place to lay it all out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


YIELD: Makes 4 servings
COURSE: Main Dishes, Soups/Stews
1 pound ground lean turkey
1/2 teaspoon Chinese five spice (see notes)
1/2 teaspoon hot chili flakes
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
1 can (13 1/2 oz.) lite coconut milk (A Taste of Thai brand is the best)
1 can (14 1/2 oz.) fat-skimmed chicken broth
1 head bok choy (12 oz.), rinsed, stem end trimmed, and cut into 1-inch pieces
1 can (14 oz.) baby corn, drained
2 Roma tomatoes (about 8 oz. total), rinsed, cored, and chopped
1/4 cup drained canned sliced water chestnuts
1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions
1 tablespoon lime juice
3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves

1. In a large bowl, mix ground turkey, five spice, chili flakes, and salt. Shape mixture into 1-inch balls. Pour flour onto a large rimmed plate and roll balls in flour to coat lightly.
2. Pour oil into a 4- to 5-quart nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Add meatballs in a single layer. Cook, turning frequently, until lightly browned all over and barely pink in the center (cut to test), 5 to 7 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to a plate.
3. Add garlic and ginger to pan and stir just until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add coconut milk, broth, and meatballs; bring to a simmer. Adjust heat to maintain a simmer, cover, and cook until meatballs are no longer pink in the center, about 5 minutes.
4. Stir in bok choy, baby corn, tomatoes, water chestnuts, green onions, and lime juice and cook, stirring often, until bok choy leaves are wilted and stems are barely tender to bite, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle with cilantro and serve from pan.