Thursday, January 5, 2012


This was yesterdays workout (compliments of, it was so nice to be able to run outside. In the summer it seemed every workout we did involved a run but since winter hit we haven't done a lot. And oh boy could you tell when we got started, we were all a little rusty :)

For time:

Run 400M

25 Wall Ball 20/14 (this could be modified to a air squat if a ball is not available)

Run 400m

25 Burpees

Run 400m

25 KB Swings 53/35 (you could also use a standard dumbbell)

Run 400m

25 Walking Lunges (knee touches ground each lunge)
Run 400m

25 Pullups (use a band or do a jumping pull up)

Run 400m

25 Double-Unders (or 100 single jump ropes)

Run 400m

25 Burpees

This a great workout the does not involve a lot of equipment. If you don't have some of the equipment  or you are a beginner, here is just a few examples you could do to modify the workout for you...take out the exercises that you don't have equipment for and repeat one of the others, if 400m is too long run 200m, if you cant possibly make it through 25 burpee's make it 15. The possibilities are endless. It doesn't have to be rocket science or involve a lot of fancy equipment. The main objective is to keep the power output high, meaning keep your body moving and make it tough. No mozzing on from one exercise to the next. Remember this is for time, you are trying to see how quickly you can get through all of this. I believe that most of us got through it anywhere from 20:00 minutes and up. YOU CAN REST WHEN YOUR DONE!

 *not quite sure what a "burpee" is or need help with form on any of these exercises, go to YouTube and check out some great examples from CrossFit Affiliates.

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