Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Do What works for YOU

“The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.”
Bill Beattie

I recieved this email from Livestrong yesterday, I found it really interesting and it inspired me to add my two cents :)

I strongly believe that you need to do what’s best for you when it comes to your mind, body and spirit. However that does require you to be mindful and honest with yourself about what is beneficial for your well being. Always being careful that you are not just accepting a way of life because every body's doing it or it's the new latest and greatest workout, fad diet or pill or some girl that writes a blog posted it :).  Always paying careful attention that you’re not choosing a certain way do to being narrow minded of what you want to believe is true.

All the information I post here is to serve the purpose of sharing what I have learned from others and my own life experiences. To have others share and learn from them. To help you and I become more aware of the choices we make when it comes to our mind body and spirit.  I feel way to often we do a disservice to ourselves by going along with the mainstream or not taking time to discover for ourselves what it is true for us. What makes us feel healthy mentally, emotionally physically and spiritually.

Here is the link to some of the most-controversial health figures, many of which I have used there workouts and or diets. And one I am currently using (Greg  Glassman/ CrossFit) The ones I have tried  have all served there purpose and have taught me something whether it be good or bad...

So much with fitness and nutrition is constantly evolving; we are constantly faced with new scientific information and with innovators who have discovered new ways of a healthier life through trial and error. So get out there get the information and try new things. Use your own methods of trial and error, find out what works for you!

To view the entire article go to:

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