Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No Excuses

"Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." Edward Stanley

For some of us it’s that time of year for kids to go back to school. I myself have a love hate relationship with this time of year. I dread the routine part of a school schedule, not being able to keep kids out late or to follow my calling as a gypsy and be able to pack us up and go somewhere when I want to. On the other hand I love the routine, a specific schedule for dinner, homework and activities. Pretty sure that has something to do with me being a Gemini … always split between two personalities :)

Most of us these days have a lot of personal commitments and heavy workloads. We are tired and have one engagement after another. This makes it sometimes difficult to make working out a priority. When you look at all the things you have to do in a day, generally working out is one of the things you cut first.

So my questions to you are...How often do you find yourself canceling your business meetings, your lunch dates with family or friends? Most likely you put these things at the top of your list. If so why? Why should you and your health not take as much priority as your work or those that are important to you in your life?

You should be making time for you! Even for those of you who think you don’t enjoy working out, I promise you there is something out there for everyone to keep you fit. Use your imaginations and or idea's from the Web to create workouts that work for you.

There are so many options for a workout, whether it’s 10 minutes or 2 hours, whether you are doing it at home, in a gym, a box, on the road. Here is just a few ideas’ that barely even scratch the surface of the possibilities…

http://www.bodyrock.tv/, http://www.crossfit.com/, P90X, Running, Swimming, Insanity Hiking, Biking

It is important to prioritize your fitness time. You should be treating your workouts like any other appointment on the calendar.

Commit to yourself, your health and your goals.

Quit taking the easy way out when it comes to your health.

Get strong and healthy so that you can accomplish all that you want to accomplish and enjoy all the things that you want to enjoy and that are worth fighting for.

I love this that I came across on the Internet…

There are 168 hours in a week. If you sleep 8 hours at night and worked up to 10 hours per day Monday-Friday that would leave you with 62 hours in the week.
Let’s assume you need 14 hours total to deal with taking your kids to baseball practice, etc.
This leaves you with 48 hours. How can we blow these?
Let’s be really generous and give you another 14 hours to sit on your butt, gorge yourself and watch TV. Now you only have 34 hours in the week to get your workouts in.
I’m going to be even nicer and give you ANOTHER 31 hours to do whatever you want to do….. YES 31 free hours to do ANYTHING!!
And guess what? You still have 3 hours reserved to get healthier, stronger, be happier and live a better life.

So please, never use the excuse of “not enough time” to workout.

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