Friday, April 13, 2012

Is Junk food really cheaper?

This was posted last night on Facebook from a nutrition coach that I follow and greatly respect
I have heard this argument quite a few times and have even agreed to some degree with others that eating healthy can be expensive, but my usual response is that you either pay for it now or you are going to pay a whole lot more for it in the long run with bad health caused by poor nutrition.
This graph is a great example that it is in fact more expensive to eat out! Again the benefits with out a doubt out way the convenience of a fast meal at the Drive Thur.
(the text is a little hard to see in the graph, go to the link to read the entire article in the New York Times then click the same graph on the left hand side to get a better image)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sugar is toxic

Disclaimer: I am aware that people get crazy when it comes to their nutrition/food, it's like religion they believe that their way is the only way or they dont want to be told what to eat or what not to eat. (I felt this same way when people would try and take away my cigarettes) This is by no means a judgement. It is only to inform you of the truth about sugar. I believe this message not only because this Docotor says it's so but because I have seen the changes within my own family. We are not only slowly killing ourselves but we are slowly killing our children!