Friday, December 2, 2011

Messing with my mind

My week of workouts and mind messing babble, burble, double dutch, jabberwocky, mumbo jumbo that often goes along with it ...

Ten rounds for time of:
95/65 pound Thruster, 10 reps
10 Ring push-ups
Monday morning I knew the workout was going to be tough not only for the reason that its tough movement's but also for the fact that I had a few days off and had been eating Thanksgiving dinner for 3 days straight :) Never the less I did the workout it hurt and I got though it.

Strength:  Deadlift
5 @ 65% , 5 @ 75 %, 5 @ 85 %
15 Min AMRAP
5 Pullups
10 Squats
15 Situps
When I saw this workout Monday night I thought, "oh this is a good one, these are all things that I am fairly good at." However Tuesday morning I didn't do my best. To be honest I had to pee the whole time and it kept distracting me which for me is not necessarily and excuse it just is what it is and I can accept it, just not my best work...ok, ok it bugged me a little :)

Push Press
5 x 65%
... 5 x 75%
5 x 80%.
Three Rounds for Time:
10 Clean &Jerks, 135/95
20-Kettlebell Swings 53/35
30 – Box Jumps 24″/20″
Wednesday it was just me and the boys and for some reason this seems to push me a little more. I guess it's the tomboy in me that always is out to prove girls can do anything boys can do :) My coach not only pushed me to do a heavier weight on my clean and jerks but he also pushed me through them when I thought after the first round I wanted to drop my weight. I didn't drop the weight and I was so happy afterwards for the push.

Bench Press
3 x 70%
3 x 80%,
3 x 90%
Barbell Hops
Toes to bar
Now normally by now I would have taken a day off, but I thought I would mix it up this week. So when I saw the workout I was glad there was no Olympic lifts because the previous days were hard and I was sore! When I started I thought to myself, "this is normally my day off, I am not going to do the whole thing"..."I will just take it easy"..."maybe I will cut it in half." I completed round one and then decided I would see how I feel after the 2o round...after that I ended up with the mid-workout energy that I often get and I busted it out, did good time and all while having conversation with my coach (I was the only one there)

3 AMRAPS in 6:00 Rest 1:00 between.
1) 20 push-ups, 10 Squat Cleans (95/65)
2) 5-handstand push-ups, 50-double unders, 10-Push Press (95/65)
3) 20 Mtn Climbers- 10-Overhead Squats (95/65)
Score is total # of Rounds

The greatest place of adaptation to CrossFit (or any fitness regimen or sport) takes place between the ears.

OK now my body really can tell it hasn't had a day off  I am wasted!  I went anyway not knowing what to expect. My shoulders were on fire after the first amrap. I ended up doing ok with the exception of some not so great weight on my overhead squats, but overall I tried and worked as hard as I could.

So why am I telling you all this? Well my point is that working out is not always easy, even for those of us that do enjoy working out. It doesn't come easy all the time, we do have to play games in our minds to get through it...for example the game I played in my head on Thursday, I very much tried to talk myself out of doing the workout...but I fought that and I went...I tried to tell myself to just do half the workout...then I kept telling myself one more round. I was playing games with myself throughout the first half of that workout. Only to find I was done in 16 minutes and 5 seconds, and finished all rounds. I left feeling proud that I had made it through and didn't let that little demon in my head get the best of me.

Don't sell yourself short by talking yourself out of working hard for what you want. The only thing that is coming between you and your goals is YOU! So fight that little demon and the mind messing babble, burble, double dutch, jabberwocky, mumbo jumbo you keep telling yourself, like "I am too tired, too busy, cant do it, it's too hard." We are all stronger and more capable than we can even imagine.